CodeMonkey Studios

CodeMonkey is a leading, fun and intuitive curriculum for kids to learn coding. Through game-based and project-based courses, students as young as 5 use block-based & text-based programming to solve puzzles and build their own games and apps. CodeMonkey does not require prior coding experience to teach and is designed for schools, extracurricular and home-use.In addition to computational thinking and programming skills, CodeMonkey fosters the development of executive functioning skills, such as problem solving, planning and mathematical thinking. Through CodeMonkey, students become equipped with the tools and confidence they need to then go on to learn more programming languages, build websites, games, apps and more.
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Hey there, my name is Alexandra and I am part of the Socialab team. Welcome to the Play Challenge! Please remember that you can modify anything on your application until September 11th, when this stage closes. I am here to guide you through this process and help you build a better application. You must check the platform comments as well as the email you registered regularly, I will be reaching out via these outlets. If you need any technical support in the platform you can message:
hace 4 años
Hello Boaz. To be honest I Felt nostalgic when watching how to learn coding with a nice monkey. I learn to code when I was 10 years old with LOGO, a nice triangle that was supposed to be a turtle. I think the idea is great and I can testify is a great way to teach kids and awake their interests in this activity. I am postulating with Monster Class. I hope that you have lots of luck in this contest, it would be great if you can "customize" your monkey character. Best of luck on your proposal!
hace 4 años

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abre el 21 de julio

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